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Enjoy Web Programmer


0 - Disconnettere tutte le periferiche USB del computer

1- Connect the GodFather to the Computer thru USB connection

2- Entrare in programmazione entrando nel menù ed impostando "Software Update".

3- Click the Connect button at the top of the page.

4- Select, "DFU in FS Mode"

5- Select a firmware  from the drop down menu.

6- Cick Program, and wait for the progress bar to finish.

Now, if the program does not start immediatley, spegni e riaccendi il devices 


On windows, you may have to update the driver to WinUSB. To do this, you can download the free software, Zadig. Instructions for this can be found on the DaisyWiki in the Windows toolchain instructions page.



In order to use this, you will need:

An up-to-date version of Chrome, at least version 61 or newer

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