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Synth Anatomy

Superbooth 21: Enjoy Electronics The Godfather, 4-channel multi-fx processor for Eurorack, first look

Superbooth 21: Enjoy Electronics premiered the Godfather, an impressive 60HP multi-effects for Eurorack with 4 channels of audio processing.


Enjoy Electronics signe son retour avec The Godfather

Le constructeur a attendu le SuperBooth pour présenter sa dernière folie : voici The Godfather.
Après le Reminder, Enjoy Electronics dévoile le nouveau projet sur lequel la marque travaille actuellement.


Enjoy Electronics Release “The Godfather” Creative Multi Channel Audio Processor

Superbooth 2021 is well underway and the tantalizing gear simply keeps on coming, with the ‘The Godfather’ from Italian music electronic addicts Enjoy Electronics joining in on the feast.



Enjoy Electronics è orgogliosa di annunciarvi RemindeЯ: La più innovativa e stimolante estensione del tuo setup.


Enjoy-Lab Intros REmindER Multi-Effects Processor

According to the company, the Reminde? can “transform any signal (even monophonic), in a powerful, expressive and immersive stereophonic or even quadraphonic experience.”

Music Radar

Reminder could be a gourmet effects box that you won't forget in a hurry

Enjoy Electronics has put together a classy-looking effects unit that goes by the name of Reminder. Made from solid wood and metal, this is billed as “an all-in-one solution for intricate rhythms, echo space and width”.

Ask Audio

Enjoy Instruments Reminder Multi Effects Hardware Machine

This multi-talented hardware effects unit is capable of some amazing sounds. We caught it in action at Soundmit in Italy.


New Eurorack Effects Processor, The Godfather, Wants to Spend Some Time With The Family

Enjoy Electronics, creators of the REmindEЯ effects processor, has announced a new multichannel audio processor, The Godfather.


Superbooth 2021: Enjoy Electronics The Godfather - digitaler Mixer für modulare Systeme

Enjoy Electronics aus Süditalien hat auf der Superbooth21 „The Godfather“, deren “Creative Multi Channel Audio Processor” vorgestellt.


Superbooth 2021: The Godfather – Eurorack audio processing to kill for

Enjoy Electronics has got their first with something a bit complex and digital but devastatingly versatile and potentially awesome.

Sonic State

Desktop Hardware Processor For Classic FX

RemindeR offers echo, delay, filters and reverb


Reminder from Enjoy Electronics provides effects for synths

The debut product from the Italian company puts synth effects on your desktop


Enjoy Electronics Reminder desktop effects box

Newcomers Enjoy Electronics has put together a rather tasty looking desktop effects processor called Reminder. They say it’s all about echo but actually, there’s a lot more going on here.


Superbooth 2021: The Godfather – Eurorack audio processing to kill for

Enjoy Electronics has something special going on with The Godfather, a multichannel audio processor in 60HP with complex mixing and a killer effects …

Sonic State

Superbooth 21: Enjoy Electronics - The Godfather
4 Channel audio processor

We first saw the Italy based Enjoy Electronics at Soundmit event where they were showing the Reminder delay processor. This year they were showing off their new four channel audio processor The Godfather.


New Eurorack Effects Processor, The Godfather, Wants To Spend Some Time With The Family

Enjoy Electronics, creators of the Reminder effects processor, has announced a new multichannel audio processor, The Godfather, in Moog’s 60hp Eurorack form factor.

Enjoy Electronics Reminder

Desktop- Effektbox Interessantes Konzept wird aber nicht billig

Rhythmisches quadrophonisches Multieffektgerät

ENJOY Electronics RemindeR aus Italien haben einen Effektboliden am Start


Reminder, Processeur multi-effets de la marque Enjoy Electronics.

Multi-effets matériel avec traitements spatiaux et modulation

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